"Global challenges must be managed in a way that distributes the costs and burdens fairly in accordance with basic principles of equity and social justice. Those who suffer or who benefit least deserve help from those who benefit most."
United Nations Millennium Declaration

Effectiveness of Development Aid

Poverty is undoubtedly the most challenging and key global issue, which a society has to face. In present globalized world no one should be unconcerned to this severe problem and ignore the needs of other countries and regions. Forum for 21st Century realizes the share of responsibility that each country has in providing help to developing countries to fight the poverty and to integrate them into the world economy. In regard of hardly performable Millennium Development Goals, the Forum has decided to initiate the negotiations with the aim of pointing out the questionable effectiveness of current development aid.

The key goal of the negotiations is to develop a new model of cooperation in the issue of development aid among its members with the main target to increase its efficiency, to discuss effective and specific forms of development assistance, to focus on a support of fair trade and to open negotiations to resolve the source asymmetry in the world. The Forum has also a priority to define reasons and possible solutions of indebtedness as a serious macroeconomic problem, not only for the poorest countries, but also for the majority of developed countries and to consider new conditions for debt relief and providing financial resources.

Plenipotentiary representatives of the African Union, the European Union, India, Mercosur, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, People's Republic of China, Pontis, the United States of America, World Bank and World Food Program have kindly accepted the invitation of the Forum for 21st Century and agreed with the format of negotiations. The Forum believes that redefining current conditions of development aid is crucial for the improvement of living standards in the least developed countries and for the reduction of poverty in the world.

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Section Chairman:
Janka Drutarovská

Section Vice-Chairman:
Mária Maťavková

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