Section Documents
Here are archived documents prepared for negotiations and positions of participating states, organizations and corporate firms.
The Forum for 21st Century recognizes dignity, freedom, equal and inalienable rights for every individual and finds a proper way and peaceful means to ensure the human rights in all the countries. The main challenge is to provide a basis for respectable and equal discussion between nations as the abstract concept of human rights has been a subject of intense debate. Taking into consideration the proposals and objections of the delegates, the current mechanisms of monitoring and enforcing of human rights and the fact that ensuring of human rights and equal treatment are among the key factors of maintaining of international peace and security and in order to avoid squandering of human and financial resources, the Forum agreed on strengthening the competency of already existing mechanism, the Human Rights Council... Read more
Taking into consideration the proposals and objections of the delegates, the current mechanisms of monitoring and enforcing of human rights and the fact that ensuring of human rights and equal treatment are among the key factors of maintaining of international peace and security and in order to avoid squandering of human and financial resources, the Forum proposes strenghtening the competency of already existing mechanism, the Human Rights Council. The Council was created as an advisory body by the UN General Assembly in 2006 with the main purpose of addressing situations of human rights violations and make recommendations on them. The task of the council will be also the elaborating of the national plans, taking into consideration the social and cultural background...
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Governments and international organizations had set many goals for new millennium, such as eradicating poverty and hunger, reducing mortality, ensuring environmental and economic sustainability or developing global partnership for development. But any of these goals cannot be achieved without realization of human rights. A decent standard of living, adequate nutrition, health care, education, decent work and protection against calamities are not just goals for the new millennium they are also human rights... Read more
Human rights as an fundamental but essential right of every person in the world started to be an important and striking issue especially after the terrifying experience of World War II. As a reaction to the war, the Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in 1948 within the United Nations Organization. The aim of the document was to prevent the human rights violation. Nowadays there are 184 member states of the UNO, means all of these countries should respect the rules described in the Declaration. However, they are not forced to do so, as the declaration is not legally binding. The states only declare their intention to set the general rules of behavior... Read more