Section Documents

Here are archived documents prepared for negotiations and positions of participating states, organizations and corporate firms.

Final Draft

The year 2011 has been affected by significant social and political changes resulting into the growth in migration rates. Turmoil in the Middle East and the northern Africa or the break-up of Sudan has resulted into many refugees, seeking refuge in developed countries. We can anticipate that the situation won't become stable in the coming months. The numbers of emigrants from countries like Libya, Tunisia or Syria is probably going to grow further...  Read more

Positions 3 (ALL positions available)

Draft 2

The number of countries affected by migration is growing as well.Forum for 21st Century does realize these threats connected with growing migration rate and is convinced that an early solution of this problem may (at least partially) eliminate consequences. Therefore it calls together all the members - delegates of the ASEAN organization, the European Union and the United States of America - to the negotiations concerning migration and visa policy. These members represent the most developed and the richest countries of the world which means they have enough resources to avert abovementioned threats. However, a success will require huge efforts and a willingness to make concessions...  Read more

Positions 2 (ALL positions available)

Draft 1

Migration is a phenomenon that has existed for centuries. According to the data of the International Organisation for Migration there are currently over 214 million of international migrants living worldwide, which amounts to 3,1 % of the world's population. In 2000 there were only 150 million international migrants. There are examples on countries in history that got rich thanks to the migration and that greeted migrants from all over the world. Migration may have several positive effects on both a country of destination and a country of origin. The country of destination may benefit e.g. from labour inflows (often skilled labour) and the country of origin experiences a decreasing unemployment rate due to a migration of those inhabitants who are not able to find employment on the country's labour market...  Read more

Positions 1 (ALL positions available)

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Section Chairman:
Ondrej Zátopek

Section Vice-Chairman:
Michal Krčméry

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