"A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in. And how many want out."
Tony Blair

Visa Policy issues

Migration is a phenomenon that has existed for centuries. According to the data of the International Organisation for Migration there are currently over 214 million of international migrants living worldwide, which amounts to the 3,1 % of the world's population. However, there is no international treaty regarding migration of people that would set common rules and principles binding for every country. Today, every country has its own policy in respect of treating with foreigners. Over the last decades the migration has become a serious threat to many countries. The number of people, who decides to leave their homes from various reasons, is growing. A specific issue within this context represent so called "climate migrants" - i.e. people migrating due to effects of climate changes.

As a response to the above mentioned threats, the Forum for 21st Century calls representatives of the ASEAN organisation, the European Union and the United States of America together to the negotiations on the topic of migration. The aim of the negotiations will be to define regulations that would establish a common visa policy and thus to regulate migration on the international level. The concrete form of the common visa policy will be a subject to the negotiations.

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Section Chairman:
Ondrej Zátopek

Section Vice-Chairman:
Michal Krčméry

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