Section Documents
Here are archived documents prepared for negotiations and positions of participating states, organizations and corporate firms.
Climate change is being considered environmentally inherent and inevitable, with a varying degree of impact on different world regions, population groups and economic interests. Anthropogenic activity of economic significance, such as manufacturing industry, agriculture, urbanization and transportation has been proven to interfere with the climate system, mainly through emissions of greenhouse gasses (GHG) promoting certain harmful climate change processes (possibly including global temperature rise, alterations in atmospheric and oceanic streams, glacial melting, unexpected weather patterns and accelerated breakdown of ecosystems and resources among others)... Read more
The international community represented by the United Nations has reached an unprecedented evolutionary stage of global awareness, responsibility and cooperation in the past decades. Consequences of various human actions have been investigated and understood; threatening challenges have been resolved in advance and wisdom; and valuable rights and liberties have been conferred to all human beings, nations and environments in a way that seeks promoting peace, prosperity, sustainable development and respect for diversity... Read more
Forum for XXI. Century has, at the annual opening convention in October 2012, resorted to summoning its negotiation boards (referred to as ‘Sections’) to address the latest international matters of security, economy, politics and environment. Bearing the vision of international cooperation and development, the Sections have been entrusted with a body of conjoint questions crucial in providing long-term stability and progress to all regions of the world. The Economic Section has been mandated with the economy of climate change mitigation and adaptation (ECC) with international trade- and commerce-related aspects, regulatory regimes and the involvement of facilities and institutions pursuant to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).... Read more